Industry Vets Just do better! 

RMG has more than 50+ Years in the industry, and in Management. We don't just love to party, we love knowing we are the BEST. Multiple award winning clubs, bars, restaurants, menus, staff members.   

Maybe you're ready to sell your business, or you're buying a new business. Maybe you're starting from scratch and have a really good idea or concept but no idea how to get from point A to Point B. 


Your business is open and now you're wheels are spinning and you've tried everything else. Maybe you just want to maximize profit, need your staff trained. Maybe you want training for you.


You want a new marketing strategy, need a bookkeeper, need inventory sheets. Whatever it is, we got you covered. 

Plans as Custom as you

We tailor our plans to meet your budget

Look if you're here you're a little scared. You're either not open yet and second guessing yourself, you are open and do not know what to do, or you're at your last resort. We know that. We empathize with that, and that is why we tell you, we don't get paid unless you do. but what does that mean?

We look at your profit margin, we get that fixed first, then we only take a small percentage of your New Profit for a pre determined amount of time. This saves you money, and you're not worried about getting ripped off.

Sure, we could be like other consultants, charge you up to $10,000 a month. but why? We want you to succeed. Your success is OUR  success.

Think about it, if you're already at wits end, and going to sell your business anyway, why not make some money and try to fix it? and if you STILL want to sell, why not sell it to someone that cares about your employees, and thinks they can turn things around?
There is no flat rate, so please call or email today, talk to us, tell us what your end game is, and we will try to work out something to help. 


 Basic assessment of your business. This is the start of the magic! We recommend starting here especially if you are not open yet. 

This essentially a business plan review, and initial marketing plan

Contact US!


Much more Hands - on. We spend time face to face getting to know you and your business. Give you an assessment and try to identify all risks, as well as market and potential profit margins. 

Essentially your favorite TV rescue, only starring your business, no cameras, no yelling, and  about 14 days of on-site training from us.  

Contact US!


Business is open, and you need help increasing sales and such. From Remodel to open, or reopen we do it all. We have contractors and trainers on staff! 

You're over your head, hemorrhaging cash, you wake up in the morning and have no idea how much longer you can stay open. you should've called weeks ago, but you're extremely prideful. 

Look we get it. this isn't easy. but contact us NOW, save your business. We aren't going to judge you. 

Contact US NOW!


We started this business because we saw the major problems were always the same!  Every time any of us got hired anywhere, it was always the same issues. No business track from ownership, Staff poorly trained, no innovation, Lackluster Entertainment, Poor food / menu, Managers that don't care. The list goes on and on. 

RMG understands that hospitality is not Kevin Costner's Field of Dreams; Building it simply isn't enough to build revenue. Our Bottom up, Team First Approach, is proven to increase, visibilty in the market place, as well as increase sales and profit margins. RMG is here to help, from the beginning to the opening, and after! we want to help your business grow! Whether it is implementing your ideas, or ours. We take great care to include you every step of the way. 

Our team consists of a network of Award Winning Industry Vets. We retain Bartenders, DJs, Servers, Security, Managers, Dancers, Chefs, Contractors, Designers, Attorneys, Bookeepers, you name it we have it. We can train your staff, or staff accordingly.  

Above All, we are TEACHERS! We love our industries and want to show others why we are so successful! we come from all different walks of life, but our goal is always the same, Give the consumer the best time of their life!. Thats why we set up our contracts on a business to business basis. Sure we have basic packages, but we would rather tailor our packages to be as unique as our clients! We never get paid unless you do.